Zimmer, Mathiesen & Associates
New York State was one of the first states to legalize same-sex marriage when they passed the Marriage Equality Act in 2011 which permitted gay and lesbian couples to legally marry each other in the State of New York. As New York was at the forefront of this movement for equality, so was the firm of Zimmer, Mathiesen & Associates . Our firm was one of the first firms in the country that had the opportunity to handle new issues involved in a LGBTQ divorce.
Two years later in June 2013, the United States Supreme Court struck down section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in United States v. Windsor. Based upon that ruling, the federal government is now required to treat legally married LGBTQ couples exactly the same as heterosexual married couples. This was a big win in the fight for equal rights for LGBTQ couples.
Pursuant to federal law, LGBTQ couples now receive all of the same benefits, rights, and privileges as heterosexual married couples. This drastic change in the law finally permitted LGBTQ couples to receive tax benefits, social security benefits, federal government employee benefits, power of attorney rights, health care decision making, and rights to inheritance as well as many other foreseeable advantages that benefit married couples. Our attorneys will take the time to review your rights, identify all of the potential legal issues, and work with you to develop a comprehensive solution to help you move forward. Our experienced and knowledgeable attorneys will work hard to ensure that you receive all of the benefits that you are entitled to under all applicable laws.


Most recently, on June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States declared LGBTQ marriage legal in all 50 states. Gay and lesbian couples who are legally married are eligible to obtain a divorce from his or her spouse in the state of New York.
New York law does not differentiate between LGBTQ or heterosexual couples in a divorce or legal separation. LGBTQ divorces are exactly the same as heterosexual divorces in terms of the legal proceedings and consequences. Divorce concerns such as child custody , child support, visitation , spousal support , and equitable distribution must be resolved in a LGBTQ divorce through either a settlement agreement or a trial just as any other divorce.
However, LGBTQ divorces often have different and unique concerns which include how children learn to deal with the discrimination that they face in society when they have a parent who is transitioning from one gender to another, or how to determine what your legal rights are for a child who was formally adopted by one spouse but not the other. Very few divorce firms in New York have experience dealing with these emotional and complex situations, however, the divorce attorneys at Zimmer, Mathiesen and Associates can walk you through every step of this process and will explain all of your legal rights in every aspect of an LGBTQ divorce.
Many family law attorneys in New York state have the ability and experience of handling divorce cases. Few attorneys have the sensitivity, experience, and understanding it takes to effectively guide a gay or lesbian client through a divorce and all of the unique obstacles he or she may face. It is important to consult with the divorce attorneys at Zimmer, Mathiesen & Associates because they are experienced at dealing with the specific and unique concerns that LGBTQ couples face.
The experienced and professional divorce attorneys at Zimmer, Mathiesen & Associates are experienced at handling the unique issues involved in a LGBTQ divorce. Our divorce attorneys are accommodating and fully committed to the comfort of all of our clients.
Zimmer, Mathiesen & Associates is at the forefront of the developing legal field involving LGBTQ couples and our experienced and knowledgeable attorneys take the time to understand all of the complex details of your situation. We understand that every situation is unique and we give each and every client individualized attention. Our office handles LGBTQ and domestic issues involving marriage, legal separation, divorce, custody, child support, spousal support, domestic partnerships, and prenuptial agreements.
The experienced attorneys at our firm are sensitive to all of the subtle nuances that make a LGBTQ divorce or legal separation unique, and we strive to guide our clients through this difficult time. We will work with you to set achievable goals which take into account all of your financial, emotional, and legal needs.
Zimmer, Mathiesen & Associates proudly advertises and supports the Gay WhitePages and is a proud member of the NGLCC. Contact us today at 631-493-0278 to arrange a free consultation to discuss your case with a compassionate and knowledgeable attorney experienced in LGBTQ divorce
Todd and Stephanie were outstanding. I was served papers while away and needed to appear in court. I called Todd and he was there right away for me. This was the toughest thing in my life and they cared and made the process as stress-free as possible. They are the Best!!